#HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership
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onto #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership

#HR How to Drive ROI on Gamification Initiatives : Learning Solutions Magazine

#HR How to Drive ROI on Gamification Initiatives : Learning Solutions Magazine | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Learning executives can commit considerable sums of money to gamification initiatives with little reassurance that the investment will pay off. Gamification pioneer and thought leader Yu-kai Chou discusses how his simple and free Octalysis Framework can help them improve their return on investment.

Via Marta Torán
Marta Torán's curator insight, June 6, 2017 3:42 PM

Yu-kai Chou  ha creado el marco Octalysis para ayudar a que las iniciativas de gamificación tengan mayor impacto en resultados.


Identifica ocho elementos clave y tiene 5 niveles. Pero piensa que el nivel más básico puede ser suficiente para la mayoría de las organizaciones.


Muy,muy,muy bueno

#HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership
Leadership, HR, Human Resources, Recursos Humanos, aptitudes and personal branding.May be you can find in there some spanish links.
Curated by Ricard Lloria
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from HR - Tracks

How to Expertly Handle and Resolve Employee Excuses

How to Expertly Handle and Resolve Employee Excuses | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Do you hear employees making excuses for things? Find out the four types of common excuses and how to handle them with empathy and reframing.

Via James Schreier
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from HR - Tracks

Only 2% of CHROs say performance management systems work as intended

Only 2% of CHROs say performance management systems work as intended | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Employers scrutinized employee review processes in the wake of the pandemic and discovered a number of weaknesses.

Via James Schreier
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from HR - Tracks

Substance Abuse in Organizations Plus!

Substance Abuse in Organizations Plus! | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

HR-Tracks is a website dedicated to 40 plus years of research on substance abuse -- plus other key HR issues:  mental health in the workplace, effective resumes and more.

Via James Schreier
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Management - Leadership

You Can’t Do What You’ve Always Done (Anymore)

You Can’t Do What You’ve Always Done (Anymore) | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
The point is that people – as in customers – change, and you must do so as well. You can’t do what you’ve always done anymore! 

Via James Schreier
James Schreier's curator insight, March 21, 7:57 AM

I regularly post Shep's weekly articles to my "Guest Service" topic.  And I did with this one.  But this article is about much more than customer service -- it's about leadership and key strategy decisions.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Management - Leadership

Facilitation and Organizational Health: The Middle Manager Role

Facilitation and Organizational Health: The Middle Manager Role | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Organizational change in the 21st-century workplace must include facilitation for organizational health as middle managers serve as bridge-builders.

Via James Schreier
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Management - Leadership

Can you master the inner game of leadership?

Can you master the inner game of leadership? | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Conflicting demands and challenges must be managed. Here’s how.

Via James Schreier
James Schreier's curator insight, May 21, 8:42 AM

Some excellent personal insights on some very realistic challenges of leadership.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Management - Leadership

The Strengths, Weaknesses and Blind Spots of Managers

The Strengths, Weaknesses and Blind Spots of Managers | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Discover the difference between how managers think they are leading their teams and how employees say they're being managed.

Via James Schreier
James Schreier's curator insight, May 29, 7:40 AM

A very, very important article!!

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Edumorfosis.Work

AI Index Report 2024

AI Index Report 2024 | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Welcome to the seventh edition of the AI Index Report. The 2024 Index is our most comprehensive to date and arrives at an important moment when AI’s influence on society has never been more pronounced. This year, we have broadened our scope to more extensively cover essential trends such as technical advancements in AI, public perceptions of the technology, and the geopolitical dynamics surrounding its development. Featuring more original data than ever before, this edition introduces new estimates on AI training costs, detailed analyses of the responsible AI landscape, and an entirely new chapter dedicated to AI’s impact on science and medicine.

The AI Index report tracks, collates, distills, and visualizes data related to artificial intelligence (AI). Our mission is to provide unbiased, rigorously vetted, broadly sourced data in order for policymakers, researchers, executives, journalists, and the general public to develop a more thorough and nuanced understanding of the complex field of AI.

Via Edumorfosis
Edumorfosis's curator insight, May 31, 9:23 AM

Este es el informe más completo hasta la fecha y llega en un momento importante en el que la influencia de la IA en la sociedad nunca ha sido tan evidente. Este año, hemos ampliado nuestro alcance para cubrir de manera más extensa tendencias esenciales como los avances técnicos en la IA, las percepciones públicas sobre la tecnología y las dinámicas geopolíticas que rodean su desarrollo. Con más datos originales que nunca, esta edición presenta nuevas estimaciones sobre los costos de formación en IA, análisis detallados del panorama de la IA responsable y un capítulo completamente nuevo dedicado al impacto de la IA en la ciencia y la medicina.


Este informe rastrea, recopila, destila y visualiza datos relacionados con la inteligencia artificial (IA). Nuestra misión es proporcionar datos imparciales, rigurosamente verificados y ampliamente obtenidos para que los responsables de políticas, investigadores, ejecutivos, periodistas y el público en general desarrollen una comprensión más profunda y matizada del complejo campo de la IA.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Grandes Pymes

Reconocimiento a empleados, un activo cada vez más importante en la gestión de talento

Reconocimiento a empleados, un activo cada vez más importante en la gestión de talento | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
por Sonia Soto
Un “bien hecho” o “gracias por el esfuerzo” son acciones que no tienen costo, pero pueden aportar mucho en la satisfacción de los trabajadores, el reconocimiento a la aportación de los empleados ya es clave en la gestión de talento.Un colaborador se siente feliz en el trabajo por distintos factores, entre ellos tener una remuneración justa o beneficios que aprecie, pero también existen aspectos que son más intangibles, pero mucho más potencializadores y con gran impacto en el talento, como el reconocimiento.Un estudio del sitio de empleo Timesjob, reveló que 59% de los trabajadores dice que sus jefes no muestran suficiente aprecio por su trabajo, lo que hace que se sientan infravalorados.La gestión de Recursos Humanos es una de las tareas más importantes dentro de cualquier empresa, ya que el éxito de la organización depende en gran medida del desempeño y la satisfacción de los empleados, refiere Humand.

Via Juan Carlos Valda
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Edumorfosis.Work

Cómo usar la IA para potenciar la innovación empresarial

La IA ha ido evolucionado hacia redes neuronales autoajustables que pueden identificar patrones y predecir comportamientos sin necesidad de que intervenga el ser humano. Las ingentes cantidades de datos externos recopilados de clientes y empresas de la competencia permiten identificar las tendencias y necesidades futuras, lo que ha hecho que la innovación pase de ser un proceso lento y costoso obstaculizado por los límites de la capacidad humana a convertirse en un flujo de información en constante evolución al que es posible acceder usando lenguaje natural mediante interfaces como Alexa. 

Este conocimiento, que es invisible a simple vista, podría transformar la innovación abierta. Para que haya innovación, es necesario conectar la información de nuevas formas y, gracias a la innovación abierta alimentada por IA, los directivos pueden hacerlo de modo constante. Permite ampliar y complementar las prácticas humanas y los procesos de innovación convencionales, generar ideas, lanzar nuevos productos y procesos y, en última instancia, acelerar la innovación.  

Via Edumorfosis
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Edumorfosis.Work

50 eye-opening Remote Work statistics for 2024

50 eye-opening Remote Work statistics for 2024 | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Remote Work was far from the norm before 2020 and now, thanks to the pandemic pushing millions of people to figure out how to work from home, it’s much more common. Hybrid work has grown in popularity as workers want the best of both worlds, to have the freedom remote work offers as well as the social interactions from working in the office with coworkers.

Now that society is four years out from the beginning days of the pandemic, how many people are still working fully remote or hybrid work from home jobs? Read on to find the answer, along with a plethora of interesting and eye-opening facts and statistics about remote work in America and beyond.

Via Edumorfosis
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from 212 Careers

Job seekers and hiring managers depend on AI — at what cost to truth and fairness? –

Job seekers and hiring managers depend on AI — at what cost to truth and fairness? – | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
AI has come to the rescue for both employers seeking employee and workers seeking employment, automating many laborious tasks. But for employers and those seeking employment alike, there are risks to handing off your job or talent search to a digital assistant.

Via James Schreier
James Schreier's curator insight, May 29, 7:43 AM

Important, obviously timely, discussion!

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Edumorfosis.Work

Integrando Inteligencia Artificial en las Organizaciones: Descubre el Modelo AVANZA

Integrando Inteligencia Artificial en las Organizaciones: Descubre el Modelo AVANZA | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

La inteligencia artificial (IA) ha dejado de ser una mera promesa futurista para convertirse en una realidad presente que redefine la manera en que las organizaciones operan y toman decisiones. La adopción de IA puede parecer un desafío monumental, pero con el enfoque adecuado, puede transformar cualquier negocio en una entidad más eficiente, innovadora y competitiva. Aquí es donde entra en juego el Modelo AVANZA.

El Modelo AVANZA es un marco integral que diseñé para guiar a las organizaciones a través de un proceso estructurado y seguro para la adopción de la inteligencia artificial. Este modelo aborda los desafíos específicos y maximiza las oportunidades que presenta la IA, asegurando una implementación exitosa y sostenida.

Via Edumorfosis
Edumorfosis's curator insight, May 29, 11:55 AM

Si hay un texto para leer durante el receso de verano es este. El Dr. José Ferrer es autor de múltiples libros que tratan sobre temas educativos, organizacionales y de mejoramiento personal. Recomiendo que hagan lextura de este valioso contenido que les servirá de mucha utilidad para su desarrollo profesional. 

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from HR - Tracks

How Hiring Managers Make Decisions

How Hiring Managers Make Decisions | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
When hiring managers sit down to decide which candidate gets a job offer, the decision is not likely going to be made based on any one candidate's skills and experience. While your skills and expertise matter, companies hire for three things: personality, aptitude, and experience (in that order).

Via James Schreier
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from HR - Tracks

Why It’s Hard to Get Hired Despite Glowing Jobs Reports

Why It’s Hard to Get Hired Despite Glowing Jobs Reports | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
The monthly jobs report out Friday will probably look great, if recent months are any indication. Yet plenty of workers have rarely, if ever, felt more stuck.

I hear from a lot of white-collar workers on the job hunt who say it’s much harder to get hired than the unemployment numbers make it sound. They complain about hiring managers who ghost them and draw out the interview process. They say job listings linger on companies’ career pages and never get filled. Or get reposted repeatedly.

Via James Schreier
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from HR - Tracks

Pros And Cons Of Employers Rejecting The ‘Years Of Experience’ Hiring Requirement

Pros And Cons Of Employers Rejecting The ‘Years Of Experience’ Hiring Requirement | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
If the years of experience requirement is lifted, then capable, curious, smart and motivated people with transferable skills will no longer be overlooked just because of an arbitrary metric.

Via James Schreier
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Management - Leadership

How To Create A Culture Of Accountability In Your Organization

How To Create A Culture Of Accountability In Your Organization | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Explore the concept of building a culture of accountability in organizations for greater productivity and workplace satisfaction. Unravel the step-by-step strategies to set clear expectations, strong goals, keep track of commitments and listen to your team effectively. Learn how this positive change can revolutionize your work dynamics.

Via James Schreier
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Management - Leadership

Emotionally intelligent leader’s guide to boosting employee engagement

Emotionally intelligent leader’s guide to boosting employee engagement | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
For companies looking for ways to increase productivity, efficiency, and bottom-line performance, a focus on greater employee engagement is essential.

Via James Schreier
James Schreier's curator insight, April 6, 7:29 PM

Another strong argument for emotional intelligence!

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Management - Leadership

Persian Messenger Syndrome

Persian Messenger Syndrome | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Ancient Persians used to kill some messengers whose sole fault was that they brought home truthful bad news, say, of a battle lost. The propensity to blame the bearer of bad news was common not just among Persians. In Plutarch's Lives we read: "The first messenger, who announced Lucullus's arrival, was so unpleasant to Tigranes that, he was punished by…

Via James Schreier
James Schreier's curator insight, May 24, 10:23 AM

Saw this too often in organizations -- fortunately I also experienced some powerful managers and leaders who didn't do this.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from 212 Careers

Communicating Your Skills On The Job Hunt: Four Ways To Stand Out

Communicating Your Skills On The Job Hunt: Four Ways To Stand Out | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Here are four key ways to stand out in today's job market.

Via James Schreier
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Edumorfosis.Work

What does the public in six countries think of Generative AI in news?

What does the public in six countries think of Generative AI in news? | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

ChatGPT is by far the most widely recognized generative AI product – around 50% of the online population in the six countries surveyed have heard of it. It is also by far the most widely used generative AI tool in the six countries surveyed. That being said, frequent use of ChatGPT is rare, with just 1% using it on a daily basis in Japan, rising to 2% in France and the UK, and 7% in the USA. Many of those who say they have used Generative AI have used it just once or twice, and it is yet to become part of people’s routine Internet use.

Via Edumorfosis
Edumorfosis's curator insight, May 31, 1:20 PM

Un porcentaje significativo de jóvenes conocen y utilizan la IAGenerativa. Mientras, la mayoría de los adultos mayores desconocen lo que es. La brecha generacional entre usuarios y no usuarios de la IAGen se expande de manera abismal en todo el mundo. 

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from 212 Careers

How to Choose Your Life Pursuits

How to Choose Your Life Pursuits | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
So, as you contemplate the grand question of your life—how should I spend my time?—energy should take center stage in your consideration.

I use an exercise I call Pursuit Mapping to identify the pursuits that are most likely to bring joy and outsized rewards into my life.

Via James Schreier
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Edumorfosis.Work

What's the point of a Coworking Space?

What's the point of a Coworking Space? | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Coworking spaces offer a diverse and dynamic environment that facilitates networking and community-building opportunities. These spaces provide flexible membership models along with high-quality amenities and infrastructure, such as high-speed internet, modern office equipment, meeting rooms, and additional amenities. Coworking spaces are cost-effective due to shared resources, and they offer significant psychological benefits by combating isolation and enhancing motivation, thereby contributing to overall professional and personal well-being.
Via Edumorfosis
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Qué caracteriza a un gran agente de cambio

Qué caracteriza a un gran agente de cambio | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
por Sherzod Odilov
En nuestro entorno acelerado y volátil, todo líder es ahora un agente o líder de cambio. La época en la que los jefes podían operar de forma aislada, centrándose en el día a día sin reconocer el rápido ritmo del cambio, hace tiempo que pasó.Tanto si estás al frente de una empresa de la lista Fortune 500 como si sos un directivo de nivel medio o un empresario emergente, tu papel como catalizador del cambio es más crítico que nunca.Pero, ¿qué hace a un gran agente de cambio? Acá algunos atributos y estrategias críticos que los líderes del cambio con más éxito utilizan para dirigir sus organizaciones en tiempos turbulentos. Una visión más allá del horizonteUn gran agente o líder de cambio es un visionario. Poseen la asombrosa capacidad de detectar oportunidades lejanas, de vislumbrar lo que podría ser. Son soñadores que viven en el mundo del mañana pero saben cómo alinear la visión con los activos y capacidades actuales de la organización.

Via Juan Carlos Valda
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Edumorfosis.Work

Seis de cada diez trabajadores creen que los robots asumirán la mayoría de empleos, pero pocos temen por el suyo 

Seis de cada diez trabajadores creen que los robots asumirán la mayoría de empleos, pero pocos temen por el suyo  | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
¿Cuántos puestos de trabajo que hay hoy en España cree que serán sustituidos por el trabajo de robots u ordenadores dentro de 15 años?. El 62% de los trabajadores contesta “la mayoría”. Sin embargo, cuando se pregunta por el efecto de la robotización en su propio empleo. ¿Cree que su trabajo actual podría ser realizado por un robot en los próximos 15 años? Casi la mitad (47%) están tranquilos. Contestan “no, de ninguna manera”, además de un 38% que considera su puesto solo parcialmente automatizable.
Via Edumorfosis
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