5 Lessons You Learn Your First Year at Harvard Business School | Writing about Life in the digital age | Scoop.it

Is getting an MBA worth it? It's a fraught question with passionately argued cases on both sides of the debate. But whether you think a stint at a top-tier business school is overpriced and creativity dulling or a golden ticket to success, everyone would have to agree that getting the knowledge of an MBA without the huge price tag or two-year time commitment is a great deal.

Which makes a recent Medium post by Ellen Chisa a must read who for anyone who is unlikely to make it over to Boston to attend HBS any time soon.

A current student, Chisa generously walks readers through the ten courses every first-year MBA student must take and reveals the most mind-blowing insight she took away from each. Some of her course descriptions will be of interest only to those in certain industries or roles, while others resist summarizing (but are still well worth a read in full). Here, however, are those that can be boiled down for entrepreneurs, along with several case studies (purchase required) that Chisa recommends if you want to do further reading.


Via The Learning Factor