It’s Time to Integrate ESG into Your Sourcing Strategy | Supply chain News and trends |
The supply chain crisis has prompted many businesses to focus urgently on sustainable sourcing. It’s a good idea, but they should go even further by integrating their overall environment, social and governance (ESG) strategies into their sourcing plans. 

Indeed, two-thirds of the average company’s ESG footprint lies with suppliers, according to McKinsey. The cost of failure — even at multiple levels down the supply chain — can be catastrophic to a firm’s reputation. Major incidents have brought widespread attention and spurred enterprises worldwide to double down on sustainable procurement.

At the same time, investor expectations, along with increased regulatory oversight requirements — such as the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act and the UK Modern Slavery Act — are compelling businesses to establish and execute ESG strategies and uphold high ethical standards.

Via EcoVadis