EduApps  - JISC RSC > Portable apps | Moodle and Web 2.0 |

The EduApps Family includes the following:

AccessApps, provides a range of solutions to support writing, reading and planning, as well as sensory, cognitive and physical difficulties. TeachApps, is a collection of software specifically designed for teachers or lecturers. LearnApps, as its name implies, is specifically designed for learners. All learners or students can benefit from LearnApps. MyStudyBar, is our most popular program, providing a suite of apps to support literacy. MyVisBar, a high contrast floating toolbar, designed to support learners with visual difficulties. MyAccess, is a portal to all your favourite and accessible applications providing inclusive e-learning options for all. Accessible Formatting WordBar, create accessible Word documents with ease using the innovative WordBar.

Via Anthony Beal