4 Lifehacks From Ancient Philosophers That Will Make You Happier | Consultancy Matters | Scoop.it
Science and ancient philosophers agree on a number of ways for boosting happiness and living a better life. Here's what you can learn from great thinkers.


1) “What’s The Worst That Could Happen?”

“Negative Visualization” is one of the main tools of Stoicism.
Really thinking about just how awful things can be often has the ironic effect of making you realize they’re not that bad.


2) “As If”
The Stoics valued tranquility and thought being angry was a waste of time. But what should you do when your blood boils?
Force a smile. Soften your voice. Seneca thought if you act calm, you will become calm.


3) Make It A Treat
We want everything and we want it yesterday.
The Stoics, on the other hand, used to deliberately walk around on cold days without a coat. Or skip meals to become hungry. Why?
Denying yourself something makes you appreciate the things you take for granted.


4) It’s Okay To Stumble
Does Stoicism seem hard? Don’t want to think about how awful things can be right now? Don’t want to give up your ice cream for a day?
They knew that too. What did Epictetus tell his students after he taught them these Stoic lifehacks?
He told them what to do when they screw up — because we all do.
Forgive yourself.

Via Ariana Amorim